Friday, September 21, 2007

What do you work for?

Whether you read books by Stephen Covey, Rick Warren, Oprah Winfrey, or Bill Cosby (and the many many others) we find that the number one problem for people living extraordinary lives is discipline. This discipline is usually split in so many directions or paths in our lives that being able to 'see' the links and associated dependencies leaves us empty or only fulfilled in a few areas of our lives or only for a short time.

This week's post is about what you work for.

What is that thing you work for? I am not talking about only your job or career. I am asking about your life. What is it that you work for? What do you labor for when you wake up until you go to sleep? Don't stay at the surface on items like money or your bank. Go deep here. If you juggle meetings to be home on time for your child's recital you 'work' at that time for family time or indivduals - ultimately to be loved, admired, accepted, or guilt free..

Make a list of these things and people you work for.

Look over your list...

Now look at your days in the next week. Go ahead, check your schedule. Are you making these items a priority or making excuses and finding only that 'last bit of time' each day to work for these? Is there anything you need to get rid of - even long standing habits - that take you away from the things most dear to you?

Simple concept, not so simple application. Discipline in acting on this comes in short doses such as tomorrow or next week. What discipline do you want or know you need to establish to work for something you love or need? What are you going to do this week to accomplish that?

Take Care!

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