Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Defining Boundaries

Defining Boundaries in our own lives proves to be one of the most difficult and yet meaningful tasks I have seen. If you are unable to define your boundaries around areas like time, space, and even language how can you articulate them or, much less, ask that they be respected.

Boundaries come in a multitude of areas however I will use a few for illustration:

  • Space - What is your boundary about how close people get to you when talking - physical space? Different cultures are certainly different here.
  • Time - When a person approaches you and begins talking what is your time boundary for the conversation? How do you define the boundary? If someone calls you at 4am to talk is that acceptable?
  • Language - What language do you speak? What words are acceptable and unacceptable to you in that language? What is your boundary?
David Krueger (see his website at once said 'you are constantly teaching others how to communicate with you'. Do you communicate your boundaries to others? The first step is in defining your boundaries.

I challenge you this week to begin listing your boundaries in different areas. Take a notepad and start listing these.

Next week we will talk about how you communicate and gain agreement on these boundaries in different situations.

Take Care!

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